Principal Investigator

Seok-Kyu Kwon, Ph.D
2005/3 - 2010/8 : KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Dept of Biological Sciences, Ph. D.
Advisor: Prof. Eunjoon Kim
2001/3 - 2005/2 : KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Dept of Biological Sciences, B.S.
Honors and awards
2010 Seok-lim scholarship : KAIST alumni association
2012 Human Frontier Science Program, Long-term fellowship
Professional Experience
2020/3 - current: UST, KIST school, Republic of Korea
Division of Bio-Med Science & Tech,
Associate Professor
2018 – current : KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Brain Science Institute, Senior Researcher
2013 – 2017 : Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Dept. of Neuroscience, Postdoctoral Scienctist
Advisor: Prof. Franck Polleux
2011 - 2013 : The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Post-doc
Advisor: Prof. Franck Polleux
Seok-Kyu got his Ph.D. at KAIST under the guidance of Prof. Eunjoon Kim. During his Ph.D., he identified and characterized novel synaptic cell adhesion molecules for synapse formation and stabilization. Then, he joined Prof. Franck Polleux's lab as a postdoc, and he unveiled the critical roles of mitochondria at presynaptic sites using various live imaging techniques. In addition, he found that the physiological importance of ER-mitochondria contacts in dendritic sites.
Now his lab is focusing on the physiological roles of mitochondrial calcium regulation in various neuronal compartments and circuits.

Dong Cheol Jang, Ph.D.
Dong Cheol is exploring mitochondrial calcium regulation in compartment-specific & circuit-specific way.
2006/3 - 2013/2 : Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Dept. of Biochemistry
2013/3 - 2019/2: Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Science
Research Experience
2019/3 - 2020/3: Postdoc,
Stanford University, USA
2020/2 - 2021/10: Principle researcher
Neurorive Inc., Korea
2021/11 - 2023/8: Research professor
Kyung Hee University, Korea
2023/9 - Current: Postdoc
Graduate student

Su Yeon Kim
Su Yeon is investigating circuit-specific mitochondrial distribution and function using various innovative tools.
2012/3 - 2018/2: Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Republic of Korea
Dept of Life Sciences and
Biotechnology, B.S.
2020/3 - current: KIST & Korea University
College of Medicine,
Republic of Korea
Research Experience
2019/11 - 2020/2: Intern researcher,
2017/9 - 2018/2: Intern researcher,
Kyungpook Nat. Univ.
Prof. Sang Ryong Kim
2017/2 - 2017/8: Exchange Student
Marburg University, Germany
Graduate student

Fatma Sema
Canbakis Cecen
Sema is investigating alteration of mitochondrial distribution and function in aged brains.
2007/9 - 2019/6 : Middle East Technical University
Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics
2020/9 - current: UST, KIST school
Division of Bio-Med Science & Tech,
Republic of Korea
Ph.D. candidate
Research Experience
2020/3 - 2020/8: Intern researcher,
2017/2 - 2017/8: Intern researcher
Ruhr University, Germany

Hyunsu Jung, M.S.
Hyunsu is investigating the roles of mitochondria contacts in aged neurons using 3D-EM and calcium imaging
Graduate student

Byung Jae Kang
Byung Jae is investigating alteration of mitochondria and their roles in retinal degeneration.
2019/3 - 2023/2 : Konkuk Univ., Korea
Dept. of Integrative Bioscience &
2020/9 - current: Yonsei University
College of Medicine
Republic of Korea
M.S. candidate

Yu Jin Kim
Yu Jin is investigating the roles of mitochondria and ER-mitochondria contacts in aged neurons with Hyunsu
2020/3 - current : Korea Univ., Korea
Devision of Biotechnology
Changuk Chung, Ph.D
2012/3 - 2017/2 : KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Dept of Biological Sciences, Ph. D.
Advisor: Prof. Eunjoon Kim
2008/3 - 2012/2 : KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Dept of Biological Sciences, B.S.
Professional Experience
2019/11 - current: UCSD, La Jolla, USA
Joseph Gleeson's lab
2018/11 - 2019/10: KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Center for Functional Connectomics,
Won Seok Kim, M.S.
2014/3 - 2017/2 : Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Dept. of Systems Biology
2020/9 - 2022/8: KIST & Korean Univ.
Republic of Korea
Dept. of Life Sciences, M.S.
Research Experience
2015/7 - 2015/8: Intern researcher,
Yonsei University
2016/7 - 2016/8: Intern researcher
2022/9 - 2023/5: Intern researcher
Woo Hyung Park
(Seogan Univ.,
Dept of Life Science)
Seung Min Chun
Dept of Life Science)
Hyeyeon Bae
(Ewha Womans Univ.,
Dept of Life Sciences)
Woo Hyung investigated the roles of mitochondrial calcium regulating components with Won Seok.
Seung Min was a junior student at Postech and participated to investigate mitochondrial calcium regulatory components in neurons with Won Seok
Hyeyeon was a junior student at Ewha Womans Univ. and working on the project related to develop AI-based neuronal mitochondria analysis software.
Seo Young Kim
(Konkuk Univ.,Dept of System Biotechnology)
Woo-Seok Yang
(Konkuk Univ.,
Dept of Biological Sciences)
Yewon Jang
(Hanyang Univ.,
Dept of Life Science)
Seo Young is investigating the roles of ER-mitochondria contacts in aged neurons with Hyunsu
Woo-Seok was a junior student at Konkuk Univ. and participated to develop AI-based neuronal mitochondria analysis software, and interrogating the mitochondrial calcium regulatory mechanisms.
Yewon was a junior student at Hanyang Univ. and participating to develop AI-based neuronal mitochondria analysis software, and investigating the PD related mechanisms.
Kangyeon Kim
(Konkuk Univ.,
Dept of Biological Sciences)
Taeeun Ko
Yunseo Chang
(McGill Univ. Canada,
Dept. of Physiology)
Kangyeon was a junior student at Konkuk Univ. and working on the project related to develop AI-based neuronal mitochondria analysis software.
Tae-Eun was a senior student at Ewha Womans Univ. She set up the 3D-EM analysis system in the lab.
Yunseo was a junior student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She joined our lab through AKCSE (The Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers) internship program.
Hyewoo Jeong
(Hanyang Univ.,
Dept of Bioengineering, Ph.D. candidate)
Yeon Soo Ahn
(Janssen Korea)
Victoria Vernail
(Current: Pen state Univ. College of Medicine, Ph.D. candidate)
Hye-Woo was a junior student at Hanyang Univ. and worked on the project related to develop AI-based neuronal mitochondria analysis software.
Yeon Soo was a senior student at Konkuk University. She investigated neuronal mitochondrial distribution and developing analysis software using deep learning algorithm.
Victoria was a junior student at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, USA. She joined our lab through IPAN program, which is a NSF (National Science Foundation) funded fellowship.